Friday 17 August 2012

Back home and straight onto the local patch in the Fields behind the RSSKL (15th August)

Once agian I was bringing Theo for a walk around the local patch.  Some of the usual species were about, despite the strong wind and prospect of rain.  1 Red Kite and 1 Buzzard were all I could find.  However, whilst walking back through the field neighbouring the A41 bridge, I heard a "cheep" call I couldn't recognise.  I wondered down the side of the hedgerow expecting some sort of finch or bunting species but was surprised when I realised the calls were coming from the ground and more specifically from fledgling Yellowhammer!  This is certainly a late breeder.  It was sat in a field which had been freshly cut for silage.  I retreated quickly so as not to disturb it or frighten the adults away from it which would otherwise need to feed it.  Instead I stood back some distance and watched through my bins for the next 10-15mins.  Unfortunately I didn't see any adults attend it although I may be mistaken as it appeared to be a very recent fledgeling and it appeared in good health as it was calling repeatedly every few seconds and wandering around the field.

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